Media and Talks
Janelia Research Conference (2019). Color Vision/Circuits and Behavior: Colour Constancy across Species
me-Convention, Stockholm (2018).
Symposium The World with other Eyes - New and old strategies for Vision
German Society for Physicians (2016): Neurobiology of Colour Vision
British Colour Group, London (2016), CRS talk: Colour and Ambiguity
Swiss Ophthalmologists (2016): Dressgate: Ambigous colours
Lund University, Sweden (2016): Colour Vision in 3D scenes: do bees solve the Mach card problem?
Congress of German Ophthalmologists (DOG), Leipzig (2014), Symposium of the DOG-traffic commission (aviation and space ophthalmology): Colour Assessment and Diagnostic Test (CAD)
Conference of the International Colour Vision Society, ICVS, University of Winchester, UK (2013), Symposium Colour and Cognition: Colour perception in real scenes: cognitive inferences in colour constancy
University of Liverpool, UK (2012): The ageing visual system
Tübingen Summer University, Tübingen (2009): Colour - Perception (Wahrnehmung) or Deception? How the BraIn colours the world
Interdisciplinary Forum Tübingen Universität (2009), "Human interface: Hearing and Seeing": Goethes Farbwelten
Kinderuni Forscher Tag University Eye Hospital (2007): Why we can't always trust our eyes
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften University Eye Hospital (2005): The world as we see it: reality or illusions?
Tag der Gesundheitsforschung Tübingen University (2005). What happens when we see?: How the eyes and the brain tranform light into vision
Also more than 50 presentations and invited talks at scientific conferences, e.g. Vision Science Society (VSS), European Conference on visual perception (ECVP), Forum of European Neurosciences (FENS), International Colour Vision Society (ICVS), German Psychologists, Janelia Conferences, International Conference on Invertebrate Vision (ICIV).
Werner, A., Schmidt, A., Hilmers, J., Boborzi, L., & Weigold, M. (2020). Colour ambiguity in real scenes and the role of perceptual organisation - a reproduction of the dress-illusion (under review).
Aston, S., Denisova, K., Hurlbert, A. Olkkonen, M., Bradley, P., Rudd, M., Werner, A., Xiao, B. (2020). Exploring the Determinants of Color Perception Using #Thedress and Its Variants: The Role of Spatio-Chromatic Context, Chromatic Illumination, and Material–Light Interaction. (perception, in press, DOI: 10.1177/0301006620963808).
Fischer, M. D., Michalakis, S., Wilhelm, B., Zobor, D., Muehlfriedel, R., Kohl, S., Weisschuh, N., Ochakovski, G., Klein, R., Schoen, Chr., Sothilingam, V., Garcia-Garrido, M., Kuehlewein, L., Kahle, N., Werner, A., Dauletbekov, D., Paquet-Durand, F., Tsang, S., Martus, P., Peters, T., Seeliger, M., Bartz-Schmidt, K. U., Ueffing, M., Zrenner, E., Biel, M., & Wissinger, B. (2020). Safety and Vision Outcomes of Subretinal Gene Therapy Targeting Cone Photoreceptors in Achromatopsia: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial. JAMA Ophthalmology; 138 (6) 643–651.
Erika Kumakura, Katja Schmid, Kazuhiko Yokosawa, Annette Werner (2019). Subjective evaluation of natural high‐saturated images on a wide gamut display. Color Research and Application,
Werner, A. (2018). New Colours for Autonomous Driving: an evaluation of chromaticities for the external lighting equipment of autonomous vehicles. Colour Turn, 1, 4, 1-14
Kahle, N. A., Peters, T., Zobor, D., Kuehlewein, L., Kohl, S., Zhour, A., Werner, A., Seitz, I. P., Sothilingam, V., Michalakis, S., Biel, M., Ueffing, M. , Zrenner, E., Bartz-Schmidt, K. U., Fischer, M. D., Wilhelm, B. J.C., RD-CURE Consortium (2018). Development of Methodology and StudyProtocol: Safety and EEcacy of a Single Subretinal Injection of rAAV.hCNGA3 in Patients with CNGA3-Linked Achromatopsia Investigated in an Exploratory Dose-Escalation Trial. Human Gene Therapy Clinical Development, 29, 3, 121-131
Werner, A., Fuchs, S., Kersten, Y., Salinas, M. (2018). #TheShoe is the new #TheDress - a colour ambiguity involving the red-green axis needs a new explanation. Journal of Vision, 18, 891.
Werner, A. (2017). Robust Colour in Complex Scenes – Invariance and Cue Integration. Habilitationsschrift, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen.
Zobor, D., Werner, A., Stanzial, F., Rudolph, G., Kellner, U., Hamel, Chr., Andréasson, S., Zobor, G., Strasser, T., Wissinger, B., Kohl, S. & Zrenner, E. (2017). The clinical phenotype of CNGA3-related achromatopsia: Pre-treatment characterisation in preparation of a gene replacement therapy trial. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 58, 821-832. doi:10.1167/iovs.16-20427.
Werner, A., Stürzl, W., Zanker, J. (2016). Object Recognition in Flight: How Do Bees Distinguish between 3D Shapes? PLoS one, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147106.g001
Werner, A. (2014). Spatial and temporal aspects of chromatic adaptation and their functional significance for colour constancy. Vision Research, 104, 80 - 89.
Chittka, L., Faruq, S., Skorupski, P. & Werner, A. (2014). Colour constancy in insects. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 200, 435 - 448.
Kelly-Perez, I., Bruce, N. C., Berriel-Valdos, L. R. & Werner, A., Delgado Atencio, J. A. 2013). A computational model of scattering of light from cataracts in the human eye. Journal of the Optical Society of America A , 30, 2585 - 2594.
Werner, A., (2011). Colour Perception in infants & young children: the significance of
color in picture books. In: Studies in written language and literacy, 13: Emergent literacy. Children's books from 0 to 3. Kümmerling-Meibauer, B. (ed.), 39 - 55. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Werner, A. Bayer, A., Schwarz, G., Zrenner, E. & Paulus, P. (2010). Effects of ageing on short-wavelength gain control: transient tritanopia increases with age. Vision Research, 50, 1641-1648.
Willmann, G., Ivanov. I. V., Fischer, M.D., Lahiri, S., Pokharel, R. K., Werner, A.* & Khurana, T. J.* (2010). Effects on colour discrimination during long-term exposure to high altitudes on Mt. Everest. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94, 1393 - 1397. * shared senior-authorship.
Ivanov, I., & Werner, A. (2009). Colour in action: evidence for a redundancy signal effect when driving motor responses by combined colour and spatial cues. Psychology & Neuroscience, 2, 17 - 24.
Werner, A., Bayer, A., Schwarz, G., Zrenner, E. & Paulus, P. (under revision). Effects of ageing on short-wavelength gain control: transient tritanopia increases with age. (Vision Research).
Werner, A. (under revision). Colouring of children's books and the development of colour vision in children. In: Written Language and Literacy, Benjamins (Amsterdam).
Willmann. G., Ivanov. I.V., Fischer, M.D., Lahiri, S., Pokharel, R. K., Werner, A.* & Khurana, T.J.*. (under revision). Effects on colour discrimination during long term exposure to high altitudes on Mt. Everest. (British Journal of Ophthalmology). * shared senior-authorship.
Ivanov, I. & Werner, A. (under revision). Unsupervised learning of subliminal color cues and their influence on action (Psychology & Neuroscience).
Ivanov, I. & Werner, A. (2009). Colour in action: evidence for a redundancy signal effect when driving motor responses by combined colour and spatial cues. Psychology & Neuroscience, 2, 17 - 24.
Werner, A. (2007). Color constancy improves, when an object moves: High-level motion influences color perception. Journal of Vision, 7, 1 - 14.
Werner, A. (2006). The influence of depth segmentation
on colour constancy. Perception, 35, 1171-1184.
Werner, A., Smith, V., Pokorny, J., Kremers, J. &
Greenlee, M. (2005) Psychophysical correlates of identified
physiological processes in the human visual system. In:
Kremer, J. (Ed), The Primate Visual System, 311-358. New
York: Wiley & Sons.
Werner, A. & Ehmer, A. (2006). Age
related changes of colour constancy. Perception, 35 (suppl),
Ivanov, I. & Werner, A. (2006). The
role of colour in visually guided actions. Perception, 35
(suppl), 149.
Martin, A. & Werner, A. (2006). The
motion aftereffect under scotopic conditions. Perception,
35 (suppl), 219.
Gekeler, F., Shinoda, K., Blatsios, G.,
Werner, A. & Zrenner, E. (2005). Scotopic threshod responses
to infrared irradiation in cats. Vision Research, 46, 357-364.
Werner, A. (2005). Dynamic Colour constancy.
Proceedings of the AIC Colour 05, Nieves, J.L. & Hernandez-Andres
(Eds), 437-348.
Werner, A. (2004). Chromatic adaptation
in motion. Journal of Vision, 4, 58.
Werner A. (2003b). Chromatic adaptation
across depth planes. Perception, 32 (suppl), 148.
Werner A. (2003a). The spatial tuning of
chromatic adaptation. Vision Research, 43, 1611-1623.
Werner, A. & Sharpe, L.T. (2001). The
influence of image articulation on the time-course of chromatic
adaptation. Perception, 30 (suppl), 3.
Werner, A., Sharpe, L.T. & Zrenner,
E. (2000). Asymmetries in the time-course of chromatic adaptation
and the significance of contrast. Vision Research, 40, 1101-1113.
Werner, A., & Woo, G. (1998). Are there
differences in colour vision between Chinese and Caucasians?
Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Optometric Congress,
Werner, A. (1996). The effect of contrasts
on the time course of chromatic adaptation in a complex
pattern. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences,
37 (suppl), 1064.
Werner, A. (1995). Neural mechanisms underlying
colour constancy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual
Sciences, 36 (suppl), 558.
Werner, A., Schwarz, G. & Paulus, W.
(1994). Ageing and chromatic contrast sensitivity. In: Color
Vision Deficiency XII, Documenta Ophthalmologica, Proceedings
Series, Drum, B., (Ed), 235 - 242. Boston: Kluwer.
Paulus, W., Schwarz, G., Werner, A., Lange,
H., Bayer, A., Hofschuster, M., Müller, N. & Zrenner,
E. (1993). Impairment of retinal increment thresholds in
Huntington’s Disease. Annals of Neurology, 34, 574
- 578.
Werner, A. (1992). Psychophysical studies
on ageing of the colour vision system. Perception, 21 (suppl),
Werner, A. (1991). Studies on colour constancy
in man using a checkerboard - Mondrian. In: From Pigments
to Perception. Advances in Understanding Visual Processes,
Nato ASI Series, A, Valberg, A. & Lee, B.B., (Eds),
391-395. New York: Plenum Press.
Werner, A. (1990). Colour Constancy in
the Honeybee, Apis mellifera. (Original Title:
Farbkonstanz bei der Honigbiene, Apis mellifera.
Untersuchung der zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen kontextbezogener
Farbkodierung, sowie eine Studie der Farbkonstanzleistung
des Menschen unter identischen Versuchsbedingungen). PhD
Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin.
Menzel, R., Ventura, D.F., Werner, A.,
Joachim, L.C.M. & Backhaus, W. (1989). Spectral sensitivity
of single photoreceptors and color vision in the stingless
bee, Melipona quadrifasciata. Journal of Comparative Physiology,
A, 166, 152-164.
Backhaus, W. , Werner, A., & Menzel,
R. (1987). Color Vision in honybees: metrik, dimensions,
constancy and ecological factors. In: Neurobiology and Behavior
of honeybees. Menzel, R. & Mercer, A. (Eds.), 172-190.
Springer Verlag: Berlin.
Werner, A., Menzel, R. & Wehrhahn,
Chr. (1988). Colour Constancy in the Honeybee. Journal of
Neuroscience, 8, 156-159.